'Believe' is a commonly used word. A word full of meaning.
Sometimes I think it drives our lives, keeps us alive.
And sometimes I feel the problem is - we believe.
Believing is an act of escapism. Believing quite conveniently and naturally
transposes all responsibilities on another entity.
It is when we believe that action is held in abeyance.
Belief is a delusion.
It is an act of shying away by leaving things to an indescribable force.
So even when you believe in yourself, you 'other' yourself from the essence of you.
Believing rests upon the dark cloud of doubt.
It is not assertion but consolation.
So if we free our mind from belief, what should really remain?
I don't think it will be lethal. I don't think we'd die.
We have been trained to believe. And trying to unlearn that, is a prospect full of uncertainty.
It is an untraveled territory where the fear of the unknown creeps in.
But belief makes us gullible, it fools us more often than not.
We should try to step off the track and explore life minus belief.
I don't find the thought as blasphemous as it may sound.
We internalize certain things most naturally but what are we humans for if we don't explore beyond what's given to us.
Man without the ability to believe won't make a race of hollow men. It'll make us different.
I borrow this from a feminist critic - It'll not make us 'other' (from what we are now) but 'another'.