Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Hallucinations of the bong mind

This was probably the most wasted Pujo of my life. A complete shift of paradigm (Sam would say). I made two trips to CR park, which were strictly okay. The good thing about it is the fact that i did that probably after a decades time. The funny bit of this pujo was Gunjeet and Anush getting overly excited and then thoroughly bored. Prateek of course was oblivious to all of it.
I had fun because i had sunshine in my pocket all three days. Like I've always hated non-sunny i love sunny days even better.
My pujo was Eastman coloured Hindi movies. Okay probably a lot more subtle, but then they percolated into each other to create the most psychedelic shades witnessed in the history of mankind.
I could also call the straw ride the best part of the pujo but i am tempted to say that my bloated gut amazed me beyond limits. And that, my friend is the best part of this pujo. There is of course much more to it but it is pretty pointless noting the pointless points. So the hallucinations of the bong mind pronounces this pujo to be......the most overwhelmingly random pujo of her life.