Thursday, December 28, 2006


Did you see Izzie's face? Oh my God, that smile was inexplicable! hahahaa....Alex is the sweetest jerk ever. I love happy endings! Dunno why this made me happy, considering my hours of hard work on my pasta went down the drain because of the bad cheese, my sister sounded sad on phone but now i cant stop smiling even though Mr. Eric Clapton is brooding in the background.
Now I know why i am one is ever good enough, no one can ever please me. hahaha. I guess I am the biggest narcissistic asshole....i should stop calling other people that. Hahhaa...this is really funny. I suddenly realise watching some arbit fictional people kiss, that i am meant to be single. I should stop obsessing over perfection. Why do people piss me off so easily? Why am i so intolerant? hahha...i don't know. And for the sake of every sane man's good health i am glad I a single..woooohoooo......yay! Cheers so single hood! hahaha...does it sound like sour grapes....a aaa....i think not, coz i so gotten over Utopia. I mean dude...Utopia is a book, by Thomas Moore.....its fiction. And anyway Sanjh and I both agree that if we were to do it we could sleep with women. Hahhaa....i cant believe me......from silly to sillier or maybe smarter who the hell knows....who the hell cares. Cheers to me....wooohooo.....Izzie...Alex i love fun!
Cheers to epiphany!!!
Woooohoooo........nighty night!

1 comment:

  1. You know, reading your blog (which I stumbled upon due to a general lack of... well, doing anything useful), I got a sense of your literary potential.

    For the sake of all humankind, definitely write this book:

    Utopia - A single narcissistic asshole's intolerant guide to eating sour grapes and sleeping with women.

    I smell a bestseller.

