Saturday, July 01, 2006


Lost in the maddening crowd of words,
Burried under narratives and travelogues.
Of all the epilogues that i did not read and every epic similie that smiles at me....
I know i have kinship with them
for it is these words that make me ME.....
Love hate is how they describe our relationship
but that is so ironic isn't it.....after all love and hate are fruits of the same tree!
These words that i spell are the words that i breathe
these are the words that help me break free.
Am at war with them constantly but in this battle field we are all victors.
And so this day i solemnly never let go of this friend and fiend,
to never terminate our constant war,
to never let the burning wick die out.......
And henceforth i set foot on my Odessey,
to discover, reveal and revel!


  1. mojo
    am ur first reader
    and i will like the preamble

  2. Anonymous2:12 AM

    hey! i really enjoyed reading the "preamble"! pretty insightful!
