Saturday, August 12, 2006

I C now...............

I saved every fallen leaf of the Tree of Life.
Some I left in the brown paper packet while some I used as bookmarks.
I liked them, I couldn’t part with them and so I still have them.
Days, months, spring, summer, decades n centuries…
They all went by and I kept hoarding each and every fallen leaf.

I had my favorites, I had my eye-sore.
Buried under the piles and piles of leaves,
I couldn’t see it then, what I can see now.
Once again, today I opened The Shadow Lines
And saw my favorite leaf in it.
The king of all, he was gorgeously green
And had the most marvelous contours…as imperfectly forming the human heart,
As the maddening Chris-cross of the veins running through!
I could bear with it falling off the tree but I couldn’t dare to part with it.
So I carefully placed it in The Shadow Lines and went into deep slumber.
I dreamt some one stole my dear leaf.
I was devastated, I stole it right back and tried to put it back on the tree.
Gum, tape, thread, clay nothing seemed to hold it there.
And there I was standing amidst the fiercest tempest like a mad woman
trying and trying and trying but to no effect.
Suddenly everything was synthetically calm and I took a breath of relief.
And as soon as I did that my leaf slipped out of my hands and flew away, far away from me.

I have woken from the light-year long, deep slumber and I opened my book today
just to ensure the presence of my prized possession.
I see it there but I see what I never saw before,
Dead, dry and rotten, infested
by a hundred million microbes.
A skeleton…...that talks to dead men.


  1. so u see your prized possesion
    and unreal(dead)
    maybe u have grown up

    and the child is lost

  2. maybe u realise tht there are two ways of seeing the dead leaf
    ugly and beautiful at the same time


    u are angry now at the dead leaf

  3. its scary u scare me---

  4. Anonymous4:19 AM


    and alchemist doesn't seem to have gotten what that was about. also seems kinda stoned.

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    a light year is a unit of distance

  6. Anonymous12:28 AM

    yes, anonymous, she knows a light-year is a unit of distance, but you don't seem to know that this is english, not science. in literature, words can be used in different ways to mean different things, there are no rules. it's the figurative meaning you need to look at, not the literal one... if you can.

  7. Anonymous3:31 AM

    There's always a hope that something you say to an invisible crowd will elicit a response.

    This 'piece' appears to have been written under the influence of some sort of substance. Said substance may bring big words to mind, but does not ensure their correct postioning, nor creativity in the finished form. I understand there is an attempt to establish some sort of metaphor here, but for what? And you may say that the words and phrases have altered meanings but confusing the reader within the metaphor makes it highly unlikely that the actual sense of what is being said will be grasped. I thought these 'leaves' fell from a tree and/or are dried. Therefore they should be brown or yellow. How is the favourite green? Does the green-ness have some sort of significance? I don't think so... the colour isn't mentioned again. There's something said about someone stealing the leaf and a dream and sleep that covers a distance. In the end it is unnecessarily long and makes no sense to anyone except those to whom everything makes sense.

  8. lol wow people ar fiting over a dead leaf
    to anonymous:
    lol creativity has no finished form ,,lol ,and wats this about influence of substance,is this weed ur talking about,alchohol ?
    cool i want to write after getting drunk too

    see how can u say some thing is correct or wrong wen nothing makes sense to u ,,evrything never needs to be sensible ,long repetitive wrting can be boring which may be the text 's aim ,second aim maybe its deconstructed writing , and maybe ur dumb ,maybe i am dumb too ,but u can laugh like i do lol :p

  9. Anonymous4:08 AM


    Okay, so you seem like a bloke (if you are a bloke, that is) who knows something about literature, so I'll take back my comment about you not being able to look at things metaphorically. But while I agree with your comments on the structure of the passage, I also think that this is a blog, not a book, and thus the feeling that's conveyed by the words is more important than the words themselves.

    Just one question: honestly, do you not get the idea behind this passage?

    PS: The way I interpret it, the the 'favourite leaf' doesn't change, it's the perception of it that changes... which also explains the green-ness in the beginning...

  10. Anonymous10:53 PM

    ^^^ that was me. clicked on anonymous by mistake.
