Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Party Fragrances

There are so many different kinds of parties but every party has a distinct fragrance of its own.
Parties in the summer always smell of the fresh air of the air-conditioner. Have you noticed that a room smells different when it is air-conditioned for a long time? That's the smell i am talking about.
There ought be a wild concoction of everyones perfumes tingling together like a wicked mist in the air, and untill you sit close to someone you never know whos wearing what. And then amidst all this are the other fragrances that are desparately trying to make their presence felt.
Mr. Jonny Walker neednt work that hard on it, and nor Mr. Benson or Hedges! They have had a long alliance with our nasal chambers, we know. Somewhere around the corner is also miss Apple Cider clothed in her shimering green attire. So what if she is non-alcoholic, she still does makes up a great deal with her ever sweet taste! And how can we forget the lingering fragrance of the freshly cut up melons and mint, goin along side kebabs and cocktails?
You can pick up an ice-cube and look through it while sipping on your Forster, but the fragrances around will not change the picture through the ice.
The warm glowing lamp, the candles floating on the monuental terracotta bowl, or the pink and white hibiscus flowers floating along the light; they all have their own fragrances. But best of all are the fragrances of conversations, of warmth, and of joy. I recognise seasons by fragrances and hold memories through the very same aromas that once concretized in my mind can refresh fond moments anytime with its slightest touch.

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